My First Hackathon Experience

For the past 2 days, I've participated with an Hackathon-like event called IdeaSmash (organized by my company). The idea is to let the employees experience the start-up process (from ideation to pitching the idea to the judges, yes, it's a competition too). 

It's an eye-opening experience and an action-packed one as well. It's chaotically fun! Within the 36 hours, we are literally created SOMETHING (at least the prototype) from NOTHING. There are 10 teams in total and we (from the Football Kakis team of four) managed to pleasantly surprise ourselves to clinch the champion spot for this maiden event.

Personally, the experience and knowledge that we gained from this event outweigh the prize itself.  It's true LEAP for me. 

Some of the key learning points are:

1. Idea generation is easy, the tough part is generating the idea that the potential customers/users care about. 

2. There are so many free tools around to help the start-ups (or for that matter, any individual) to:
a. Create cool Landing Page within minutes (Strikingly)
b. Prototype your idea (POP or InVision)  
c. The 10-20-30 Rules of Pitching (Maximum 10 slides , maximum 20 points of coverage, 30 point of font size)

What we've achieved within the 36 hours?
1. Generated an idea : Football Kakis
2. Created and published the Landing Page
3. Created and launch the first Facebook Ad
4. Did the market research of our idea through face-to-face interview
5. Created the prototype of our App via InVision.

Start-up is a teamwork and it needs lots of collaboration, communication, validation and learning/relearning. 


Leap Category: Mind


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